Upcoming Events | March-April 2014

As usual The Level Up Fight Team is busy as ever. Here are the net few events we have coming up through the rest of March and April.


Up next we have the biggest tournament of the year!! The WKA National Championship! We have 4 fighters competing. Luther Smith will be fighting in the 201lbs Open Division. Patrick Rivera who won last years Novice 165lbs division will be fighting in the 160lbs Open Division. Jared Tipton will be fighting in the 125lbs Open Division. Also we have Nick Rossman making his Amatuer debut in the 125lbs Novice Division. 


The Biggest Event Of The Year!!

The Biggest Event Of The Year!!



Also on the night of March 22nd there will be an all Pro Show featuring some of the U.S.’s best Kickboxers facing off against European Kickboxers. This is a can’t miss event with some of Glory’s rising stars. Also the main event will see UFC star Pat Berry making his return to Kickboxing!!


Don't Miss This Show!!

Don’t Miss This Show!!


April 19th our Kickboxers will be back in Action with the Revolution Fight Series new All Muay Thai and Glory Rules Kickboxing Format. 


Fighters TBD

Fighters TBD


April 26th Luther Smith will be back to Boxing with Jeter Promotions out in VA. Stay tuned for the address


jeter promotions



We are working on getting the smokers ste up in April as well. We will keep you posted on the date. Thanks for all the support!!