Start Working On Your 2014 Fitness Goals Today!

We all have the same thought patterns every year. “Next year I’m going to get in better shape.”  During the month of December the gyms are always less packed, but come January you find yourself waiting in line to work out because everyone is thinking the same thing. Lets be honest, what starts off as a big life changing plan usually ends after a couple of months. Partially because its hard to keep yourself motivated, but also if someone isn’t keeping an eye on your results or guiding you along the way, you might not realize you are making progress. The gym routine is tough. Unless you’re paying a personal trainer, figuring out what to do on your own can be difficult. At Level Up we are here to help combat all those issues.

Take a look at what we offer:

  • Fitness Classes
  • Boxing Classes
  • Kickboxing Classes
  • Strength & Conditioning Classes
  • Muay Thai Classes
  • Womens Only Kickboxing Classes
  • Kids Martial Arts Classes

The great thing about a class environment is you have built in workout buddies. It gives you a chance to make new friends with common Fitness Goals. These are the people who help you stay motivated, who text you to see where you were if you missed a class, who help push you through the workouts. On top of that, YOUR goals are your Coaches’ PRIMARY FOCUS! It is our job here to make sure you are getting the results you want. Most gyms are filled with empty promises of helping you achieve a better you. Most people don’t know that gyms are counting on you not to show up. If every member of a gym showed up to work out at once there would be no room.

 Don’t take my word for it. Put us to the test! We offer a 30 DAY FREE TRIAL that gives you access to all our Classes and Programs. Come take us for a test drive with no pressure to sign anything for a whole month. Let us show you our ability to change your life! Don’t be one of those people standing in line to get on a machine at the gym in January!! Get started now and get a jump start becoming a better you TODAY!!

