Rumble at Club 1
Once again the Level Up Boxing Fight Team would head back into the ring at Club 1 Fitness in Millersville MD. This would be the first official fight for Level Up in 2014. On the card, Luther Smith, one of the teams most active competitors, and first time fighter Willie Lovado. Luther made his boxing debut in November of 2013. It was a short trip, as Smith would finish the fight in the first round, a devastating hook floored his opponent. The fight would continue for a short time after being waived off by the Ref due to a flurry of hard hits. Luther brought home a Maryland State Championship for that bout. Luther moved on to a 1-0 record, and took home a beautiful new belt. Around the same time last year Willie took part in an in house boxing exhibition at his home gym Level Up. Willie proved himself to be tough as they come, and showed he has what it takes to begin fighting at the Amatuer level.
Willie would take on MMA fighter with a wrestling background. Having trained many wrestlers that crossed over to boxing, Coach Jason knew what to expect. There was some concern about Willie not having the fight experience his opponent had, but the team believed that if Willie stuck to the game plan he would emerge successful. Round one Willie took his time and established his jab early on. As the round progressed Lozado begin finding a home for his right hand often. Firing from different angles, landing Right Hooks, Crosses and Uppercuts. A hard right Hook immediately followed by a big Uppercut caused Ref Tim Ryan to step in and give Willies stunned adversary a Standing Eight Count.
Willie came out guns blazing in the second round. Landing those big Rear Hooks, and Uppercuts again. About 1 minute into the second round Willie snuck in another big Uppercut, and followed up with a rear Hook that dislocated his shoulder. The room fell silent. His Coach Jason was worried he had broken his hand. The Doctor stepped in to see what happened and was able to pop the shoulder back into place. Willie would look the Doctor in the eyes and ask to please be allowed to continue. The Doctor complied and the fight went on. Willie was instructed to focus on using his lead hand to finish the round, which for the most part he did, but in the moment when the shot is there its hard not to take it. Lozado finished the round strong landing strong jabs and a few right handed shots to let his opposition know he was still in the fight.
Round three Willies opponent came out swinging. Down two rounds, his only hope of securing a win would have to come by way of Knockout. In an attempt to slow down the onslaught, Willie threw a big right hand that would once again dislocate his shoulder. Initially Ref Tim Ryan waived off the bout. Lozado would not be defeated so easily, after pleading with the Ref and the cheers of the crowd to “LET HIM FIGHT”, Willie would carry on. Sadly not long after a second dislocation, a third soon followed. This time Level Up Head Coach Jason Farrell signaled that the fight was over, Referee Ryan agreed and the bout was halted midway in the Third Round.
Heart is not something that can be taught. Willie Lozado has the heart of a Lion. Although the fight would be declared a loss for him, he won the crowd, and respect from his Team and everyone in attendance at Club 1. He walked over to his opponents corner and congratulated them, and shook their hands as best as he could with his shoulder out of its socket. He even stood in the ring long enough to have his hand raised out of respect for his heart. We wish him a speedy recovery and are excited to see him continue as a fighter. Willie has been training for less than six months and has grown so much in that time its scary. He has a bright future ahead of him.
Luthers return to the ring would pit him against a mountain of a man. If you have seen Luther, you know that you have to be big to make him look small. Although a tad short, possibly and inch, Smiths opposition would outweigh by roughly 30 pounds. Luther has been logging in a lot of training lately which has slimed him down to a walk around weight of 215 pounds. His opponent weighed in at 247 pounds, looking reminiscent of a young George Foreman.
Luther, or Loot as his team mates like to call him, would call on a historic strategy involving George Foreman and the great Muhammad Ali. Before the fight began Smith informed his Coach Jason Farrell not to be worried, but that he was going to take the first round to feel his adversary out. Luther let his opponent work hard all through the round, and occasionally peppered him with a few shots. Between rounds, Coach Farrell, told Luther to turn it up bell to bell for the next two rounds. The strategy paid off as the crowd and coaches alike could see that Smiths opposition was visibly tired coming into the second round. A tired fighter of his size is still dangerous, and even though as he struggled to catch his wind looked to fire big shots. Luther fought a smart round and peppered his opponent with hard punches and fast jabs alike. Smith found himself backed into a corner late on the second round but spun out quick enough that when his adversary launched an attack and missed he fell to the canvas.
Round three the two men met in the middle and exchanged big shots. Luthers opponent looked to be running low on gas and tied Smith up. On the break Luther landed a flurry of hard shots that caused another tie up, this time Luther pushed himself free knocking his adversary to the canvas. Smelling a possible finish Luther turned it up another notch and let loose a barrage of hard punches that made his opposition take a knee. After a couple small exchanges Smith landed a textbook Jab, Cross, Hook that appeared to stun his opponent, followed up by a beautiful Cross, Hook. A small tie up caused a break in the action and Luther finished the round at distance peppering with his jab.
- Firing From Range
- Celebrating the Knockdown
- Loaded Up
- Jabs on Jabs
- Awaiting the Official Decision
When the dust settled, Luther emerged as the owner of a Unanimous Decision. Moving himself to 2-0 as an Amatuer Boxer. Luther will look to stay active this year and rack up as much Ring Experience as possible with the plan of making the jump to fighting Professionally as soon as possible. With his work ethic, powerful punches, and his strong chin, Luther “Lights Out” Smith is proving to be a force to reckon with.
Both Willie and Luther are products of the training and classes here at Level Up Boxing and Fitness. Both men have Families and full time jobs. They come to the gym 6 days a week, and put in everything they can. They are both a great inspiration to us all. Luther is 35 years old and has been training less than two years. Willie is 27 years old and has less than 6 months training. We have programs for everyone here at Level Up. If you want to become a fighter, or just train like one, we are the gym for you. Come take us for a Test Drive for 30 Days Free!!
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4891 Telsa Drive, Suite G
Bowie, MD 20715