Help Send Level Up Fighters To The WKA World Championship Tournament
October 28, 2014 to November 2, 2014, Level Up will be sending 3 fighters and Coach Jason to Italy to represent North America in the 2014 Unified World Championships. This tournament draws fighters from all over the world and will be part of the final leg of Luther, Jared, and Pat’s amateur career. All three will become professional fighters next year. Having the title of World Champion as they enter the pro arena of competition gives them a boost as far as what promotions book them, as well as what sponsors are willing to pay them which is huge as they begin this journey.
- Patrick Rivera
- Luther Smith
- Jared Tipton
Level Up has hit some amazing strides in less than a year of operation. We are legitimately one of the top striking gyms on the East Coast. Level Up has built a social media presence that is currently one of the most well received gyms in North America. The traffic to our Facebook page is enormous, which puts us in a unique position to increase our sponsors social medial return by promoting your business to our followers. In addition to social media marketing, Jason is a professional graphic designer, an experienced photographer and videographer with editing skills. In return to your sponsorship, Jason can shoot and edit video, photograph, design logos or graphics for your business, design and print t-shirts. In addition, our fighters will wear your logos on fight shorts and t-shirts to expose your product or services to others.
Here is an example of some of Jason’s Video Work. This is a testimonial he filmed of one of his students who trained at the Gym Jason Formerly worked for.
Take a look at the enormous amount of traffic we get to our Facebook page!!
- Reached Over 15,000 People
- Reached Over 30,000 People
Here is an example of one of our T shirts with some of our Sponsors on the back
- Pro Boxer Tony Jeter Design
- Autsim Awareness T
- Team USA, Luther Smith & Dusty Harrison Designs
- Urban Ninja Maryland Flag Rash Guard
- Glory Fight Francois Ambang T Design
Here is the breakdown of our sponsor packages:
Platinum Package – $5000
-Two videos. You can choose what type you would prefer. I will send you samples of some of the videos I have created. Ideally, we would shoot a video with our fighters at your place of business. This video would be produced as a commercial to promote your company. In addition, I would produce a 30-60 second video Highlight Commercial style video that you’ll be able to post on your website, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media. We will also share these videos from all our personal social media accounts as well drive high traffic to your business website.
-Logo Placement on our walk out shirts for the rest of 2014. Your logo will become a staple on our team t-shirts. Since we fight constantly (at least 1-2X per month), your company logo will be seen often and we would always thank you before and after each fight for your generous support. Fighters from Level Up and myself wearing your logo will share photos to your social media and websites.
-We will help promote any events you have coming up. In social media, the more of those links that pop up, the more traffic they get. We can help increase your interaction with more people to bring you a higher volume of customers.
-You will always get 2 shirts of any fight team design that we come up with. These shirts are limited edition and always sell out. As mentioned earlier, these shirts will have your logo on them.
-We will back link your website to our website which is mutually beneficial for us both. This increases both of our rankings in Google search engines.
-If you have a Google Plus page we will Plus 1 your posts which will increase your ranking in Google search engines (If you don’t have one, they are easy to set up yourself or we can help).
The Value of this package exceeds the cost. I have shot the types of video we have planned to do for you for $3000 alone. For the 30-60 second Clips, I usually charge $1200. You will see that our Logo package alone is $1000 to be on the walk out shirts. Add on top of that what it would cost to hire someone to do the social media blast that we will provide, you could be looking at anywhere from $500 per month up $3000.
Gold Package – $2500
– One 1 minute Highlight Video Clip for your business. You will receive all the benefits from the first package in the way of video sharing on our end. The video will highlight the best things about your business, in a short attention catching fashion that is sure to drive people to you.
– Logo placement on 2 of our walkout shirts for upcoming events.
– You will be thanked for your support on our website, and all of Level Up’s Social Media platforms as well as individually by each fighter before and after fights that your logo appears on our shirts.
– You will receive two of the walkout shirts to keep, both times your logo appears on them.
Silver Package – $1000
– Logo placement on 2 of our walkout shirts for upcoming events.
– You will be thanked for your support on our website, and all of Level Up’s Social Media platforms as well as individually by each fighter before and after fights that your logo appears on our shirts.
-You will receive two of the walkout shirts to keep, both times your logo appears on them.
Bronze Package – $500
– Logo placement on 1 of our walkout shirts for an upcoming event.
– You will be thanked for your support on our website, and all of Level Up’s Social Media platforms as well as individually by each fighter before and after that fight, that your logo appears on our shirts.
-You will receive two of the walkout shirts to keep, for the fight your logo appears on.
If you are intrested or have questions about these packages please contact
Jason Farrell