Coach Jason Farrell On Muay Thai Guy Podcast

This past Sunday after a jam packed two weeks Coach Jason Farrell found some time to talk Muay Thai with Sean Fagan on the Muay Thai Guy Podcast. sean has interviewed some of the best fighters and coaches in our sport. If you havn’t had a chance to check out these interviews yet we highly recommend them! Sean picks the brains of Great Fighters like Kevin Ross, Joe Schilling, Chaz Mulkey, Joe Valtelini, and High Level Coaches like Eric Haycraft, and Mark Beecher. If you have ever wondered how the best do what they do, these Podcasts give you in inside look to the elite level of Muay Thai and Kickboxing.


Here’s what was discussed

  • How he took the leap from working a stable job to opening up his own gym.
  • The difficulties of owning and operating a Muay Thai gym.
  • What a normal day of training is like for his fighters and how he prepares them for fight night.
  • The importance of having his fighters best interest at heart
  • Not worrying about “Gym Hopping” and not having an ego when his fighters workout or spar at different gyms.
  • Why drilling and sparring are the main focuses during training sessions.
  • How he warms up and mentally prepares his fighters in the locker room.
  • The importance of centering his fighters in between rounds and giving simple, straight-forward advice.
  • His goals for his gym and fighters and how he wants to be one of the go-to gyms in the US.
  • And much more!


Coach Jason (left)

Coach Jason (left)


The Muay Thai Guy Podcast is an incredible learning tool, and it’s FREE!! Download and subscribe today! 


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