Warriors Cup 21

The Level Up fight team found it’s way back to New Jersey competing at the vaunted Warriors Cup Muay Thai promotion.


Warriors Cup is one of the best shows I have ever dealt with. Chris Tran is an amazing match maker. It’s rare you will find a mismatched fight on this promotion. This type of match making provides incredible action packed fights. Chris also is very considerate of the fighters needs and is constantly checking on everyone to make sure they are good to go throughout the night. New Jersey athletic commission also has very stringent testing that must be completed before fighting. This gives all involved piece of mind that the State cares about the well being of these athletes putting their well being on the line for what they love to do.


Originally Level Up had two fighters on the card. Patrick Rivera was set to fight George Jeffries out of North Carolina for the 160lbs Title. Jeffries was forced to withdraw from the bout due to an injury a couple weeks before the event. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough time to find someone willing to step up and take his place.

Hardware Shot

Hardware Shot


Jared Tipton would be facing Joe Logan of Stay Fly Muay Thai for the 125lbs Amatuer A class Title. We expected a tough fight from Joe. Logan has been on a similar path to Jared. It was only a matter of time before these two met. Jared had a relatively easy weight cut. He stays on a healthy diet to always be ready for any opportunity they presents itself. Weigh Ins went smoothly, Jared and Joe squared off with the belt one of them would be taking home the next day.



Waiting To Weigh In

Waiting To Weigh In


Logan & Tipton

Logan & Tipton


The fight played as we expected. Back and forth action. Joe set his sights on Jareds lead leg. Jared worked his hand combinations, caught Joes kicks and was able to sweep him throughout the round. Midway through round one, Jared caught Logan in the clinch and delivered a hard knee to the face, at the time it appeared not to have done much damage. The two tied up again moments later where Jared was able to deliver another knee that landed flush on Logans nose which clearly broke it. Round one ended in favor of Jared. Logans coach Justin Greskiewicz was able to straighten the nose out and get Joe back in the fight. Rounds two and three went the same, Jared mixing up his hands, elbows and knees, looking to sweep Logan whenever possible, Joe continued hunting for Jareds leg. Going into round four I felt we had done enough to win the first three rounds.



In rounds four and five the low kicks appeared to take a toll on Jared. For anyone that knows him or has seen him fight, Jared never slows down. His relentless pace and pressure are what has won him all his previous fights. These last two rounds though he slowed down tremendously giving Logan the opportunity to turn it up and win the final rounds. Although mathematically I feel we won the fight three rounds to two, I also feel that the final two rounds are the championship rounds, and to be a champion those are the two rounds that count the most. I’m proud of Jared for his performance. He mixed up all his weapons very well and displayed that he can make use of everything available in Muay Thai. Obviously we want to win every fight, but if we lose we learn. So even though it stings, it’s an important part of the process headed towards a Professional career. We will make the necessary adjustments and come back stronger than ever.



The Agony of Defeat


We would like to again thank Chris Tran for giving us a shot at the belt on such a great show. Thank you to Dan Eric and Chastity Cortijo for their awesome photos of the action. Thank you to Ink Generation for always keeping us looking sharp. Thanks to all the Team, Family and Friends for coming out to support Jared. If you would like to see the fight head over to GFL.tv to purchase the full event which is filled top to bottom with exciting fights.



The Team w/ Larry Legend


2 Fighters 2 Victories At Lion Fight 17

I had to take a couple weeks to get my thoughts together for this blog. The events that took place, and the road to get there still seem surreal. My journey as a Martial Artist began 28 years ago. Although I’m nowhere near where I would want to end my journey, if I was hit by a bus tomorrow I’d have no regrets. I’m so proud of what my team has done in this first year. My ambition to be a major part of the growth of Muay Thai and Kickboxing here in America drives me to take on more than I probably should. Knowing that I have the Level Up Team behind me every step of the way makes it all possible. I’m honored they put their faith in me to lead them into all the craziness I seem to get us into.

Taking It All In

Taking It All In


I joined an MMA gym in 2006. MMA and BJJ were the programs that got the most attention. It always felt like the Muay Thai program was like the step kids in the family (haha) So I decided that I would help to lead the way for Muay Thai here in Maryland. In 2008 I was given the opportunity to Teach Muay Thai at two gyms. I spent 5 years building those programs to the best of my ability. In the end I still felt like I wasn’t able to push the program forward the way I wanted. So in July of 2013, I started running classes in my hometown of Bowie, MD. August 1st became our official opening of Level Up. In that time we have had over 30 fights, won 3 National Titles, and had 3 fights on Lion Fight, and on our 1 Year Anniversary, August 1st 2014, Jared and Pat fought and won on Lion Fight 17.


Your Winners

Your Winners


We drove down the night before weigh ins so we could wake up in Connecticut Thursday morning and cut any weight that needed to be shed. We checked out of our hotel and headed over to the Foxwoods Spa. Around 1pm we went down to check the guys weight on the official scale. Both fighters were on so we went to check into our room at the Two Trees Hotel. Weigh Ins went pretty quickly, after you could find all the fighters munching on whatever they had with them until they saw the doctor.

In what definitely rates high in being one of the coolest moments of the weekend, I got a text from Kevin Ross asking how the guys were. We were headed to get food and invited him to come with. He graciously accepted so we scooped him up and headed to Koto our favorite Habachi restaurant near the Casino. We have a ritual of seeing a movie after weigh ins, so the 4 of us shot over to the local theater and caught Guardians of the Galaxy. Just when you think Kevin Ross can’t get any cooler, he buys all of our tickets to the movie. I’m forever grateful to Kevin for hanging out with us. They always say “never meet your heroes”, I can tell you that if Kevin is one of your heroes you will not be disappointed, and if he isn’t one of your heroes he should be. I know it meant so much to Jared and Pat. It was a genuinely cool move from a genuinely cool guy.

Chillin With The Prez

Chillin With The Champ


Fight day we pack up what we need and head to the venue. We were able to share our warm up area with our friends Jeremy Carper and Jessica Palencer from West Virginia. Jessica stepped up late to take a fight at a lower weight class than she has ever fought, and went out there and fought her as off. We were all very proud of her.

DMV Crew

DMV Crew

Jared was first up for us for the night. Jared is a tenacious fighter. He is building a reputation for his non stop action performances. He rarely ever stops coming forward, and if he does, it’s only to give his opponent an opportunity to miss before his next onslaught. In the end Jared won a unanimous decision. Jared displayed all his weapons, big punches, hard low kicks, vicious clinch knees, and when the dust settled, his hand was raised. I’ll let the incredible work of our friend Dan Eric tell the story.

Patrick would headline the amatuer undercard against a game Nathaniel King. Patrick fought a very smart fight as he always does. Picking his shots carefully, landing clean punches and hard low kicks. We are big fans of catching kicks and dumping people at Level Up. It’s become part of Patricks signature in all his fights. If you like to throw body kicks, you can count on ending up on your back. Kevin Ross is one of the best in the biz, and someone we study regularly. At dinner the night before Pat told Kevin that “when” he got a big sweep he planned to find Kevin in the crowd and pay him respect. Pat was able to sweep Nate a few times but one was super clean, and Patrick seized the moment to honor his word. Kevin smiled from the crowd, noded, as in to say good job, now get back in there! In the end Patrick would also be awarded a unanimous decision Win. Again, Dan’s pictures tell the story better than I do.



To have a night like this on our one year anniversary is more than I can ask for. As I sat there ringside watching the Pro Card, I couldn’t believe what we had done. This first year has been a constant grind. We are all hungry lions with insatiable appetites. We are on the hunt for whatever it is we want of life. I’m excited to see where we are a year from now.

The Ayy Team

The Ayy Team


Thank you for all your continued support. I know that none of this is possible without the love and support of EVERYONE at Level Up!

Thank you to Scott Kent and Christine Toledo for giving us the opportunity. The work these two have done with Lion Fight and for the sport of Muay Thai is incredible.

Kevin - Christine - Scott

Kevin – Christine – Scott

Thanks El Presidente!


Thank you to our sponsors!!

Ink Generation – The Best Screen Printers in the Game!! Check out their website –>HERE!<–

ink gen


DipGrips – This home workout tool is revolutionary!! Available right on –>Amazon.com/dipgrips<–


Dapper Getup Apparel – Check out their fresh gear right –>HERE!<–



Urban Ninja Apparel – Check out their T’s –>HERE!<–



Roosters Nest Novelties – For Sponsoring JaredCheck them out HERE!





2 Fighters From Level Up On Lion Fight 17!

Jared makes his Lion Fight Debut, and Pat returns as the Amatuer Card Main Event!

lion fight full card


August 1st Lion Fight Promotions will run their second East Coast card featuring some of the Best Muay Thai fighters the East Coast has to offer. Including our very own Jared Tipton and Patrick Rivera. The event takes place at the illustrious Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut. Patrick fought and won on LF’s first East Coast show. We are very excited to have back on a Lion Fight event. For those who don’t know, Lion Fight is the premier Muay Thai organization in the World. Fighters from all over the globe are hoping for a chance to be a part of these incredible events. This is a huge step forward for Muay Thai, the East Coast, and Level Up! 

pat and jurt


Lion Fight runs the majority of their shows in Las Vegas. They recently signed a deal to run multiple events with Foxwoods giving fighters from this side of the US a chance to shine. It is of utmost importance that we support this show every time! Without them there is no great stage for all our hard work to be displayed. The fight game is a Team effort. Everyone involved is important. The promoters of these events need us to spread the word and bring as many people to cheer on our fighters as posisble. Just like we need our fighters to work hard in prepartion for these tough fights. 

At Level Up we need the SUPPORT of YOU!! Our loyal teammates. To make sure Lion Fight is succesful and continues to return to the East Coast, we need to sell tickets to this amazing show!! Even if you can’t make it, show your support of Pat and Jared and pick up a ticket! Lets show Lion Fight we are not only a vicious Fight Team, but more importantly a Family the supports each other! 

The tickets are $55. We have a few different people driving up, so we can help get people together for car pooling. Just speak to Coach Jason about getting teamed up! If you can help out by buying a ticket, but can’t make it up to the show, NO WORRIES!! Coach Jason will be running a seminar in September going over some new things he picked up on his trip to California. Your ticket gets you into that seminar for FREE! The seminar itself will be $60. 


We will have Walkout T shirts for Pat and Jared also. If you would like one they will be $10 per shirt. We have been fortunate to have some amazing sponsors join the cause to help these young athletes move forward with their careers! 

walkout shirt


Thank You to our Sponsors!!




Dapper Getup









Ink Generation


ink gen



Urban Ninja






Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support!!

Level Up Fights For America

Three of our fighters from Level Up have been selected to compete at the WKA World Championship Tournament in Tuscany Italy. Patrick Rivera, Luther Smith, and Jared Tipton will be looking to bring three World Titles back to Maryland. Coach Jason Farrell will also be traveling with them  to Coach for Team USA. This is an amazing opportunity for Level Up. We are fortunate to have Ink Generation sponsor us in effort to help make this trip possible. All the proceeds from the sales of this shirt goes directly to getting the guys to Italy. 

Our Fighters & Eze Of Ink Generation

Our Fighters & Eze Of Ink Generation

We Have Youth Large & Medium Available

We Have Youth Large & Medium Available


As you can imagine sending 4 people to Italy is not cheap! With your support, and the support of our sponsors we can get these guys there! The shirts are $20 and can be ordered at the Urban Ninja Shop online, or you can pick them up at Level Up in Bowie Maryland. 


Coach Jason & Eze

Coach Jason & Eze


Our deepest gratitude to Eze Cembalo of Ink Generation for his more than generous donation to Level Up. Ink Generation is the best Screen Printing Shop in Maryland and can print short and large runs of T shirts. Their customer service is the best we have ever experienced. Eze’s attention to detail and commitment to quality makes him stand out among other printers. He has been a pleasure to work with over the last year and in that time has become a true friend to Level Up. 


For Screen Printing Contact Ink Generation 

By Phone – 443.254.8655

By Email – eze@inkgeneration.com

Visit Their Site – Inkgeneration.com

Help Send Level Up Fighters To The WKA World Championship Tournament

October 28, 2014 to November 2, 2014, Level Up will be sending 3 fighters and Coach Jason to Italy to represent North America in the 2014 Unified World Championships. This tournament draws fighters from all over the world and will be part of the final leg of Luther, Jared, and Pat’s amateur career. All three will become professional fighters next year. Having the title of World Champion as they enter the pro arena of competition gives them a boost as far as what promotions book them, as well as what sponsors are willing to pay them which is huge as they begin this journey.



Level Up has hit some amazing strides in less than a year of operation. We are legitimately one of the top striking gyms on the East Coast. Level Up has built a social media presence that is currently one of the most well received gyms in North America. The traffic to our Facebook page is enormous, which puts us in a unique position to increase our sponsors social medial return by promoting your business to our followers. In addition to social media marketing, Jason is a professional graphic designer, an experienced photographer and videographer with editing skills. In return to your sponsorship, Jason can shoot and edit video, photograph, design logos or graphics for your business, design and print t-shirts. In addition, our fighters will wear your logos on fight shorts and t-shirts to expose your product or services to others.


Here is an example of some of Jason’s Video Work. This is a testimonial he filmed of one of his students who trained at the Gym Jason Formerly worked for. 




Take a look at the enormous amount of traffic we get to our Facebook page!!


Here is an example of one of our T shirts with some of our Sponsors on the back


Our Sponsors Urban Ninja, I.F.F.I. and Ink Generation

Our Sponsors Urban Ninja, I.F.F.I. and Ink Generation






Here is the breakdown of our sponsor packages:

Platinum Package – $5000

-Two videos. You can choose what type you would prefer. I will send you samples of some of the videos I have created. Ideally, we would shoot a video with our fighters at your place of business. This video would be produced as a commercial to promote your company. In addition, I would produce a 30-60 second video Highlight Commercial style video that you’ll be able to post on your website, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media. We will also share these videos from all our personal social media accounts as well drive high traffic to your business website.

-Logo Placement on our walk out shirts for the rest of 2014. Your logo will become a staple on our team t-shirts. Since we fight constantly (at least 1-2X per month), your company logo will be seen often and we would always thank you before and after each fight for your generous support. Fighters from Level Up and myself wearing your logo will share photos to your social media and websites.

-We will help promote any events you have coming up. In social media, the more of those links that pop up, the more traffic they get. We can help increase your interaction with more people to bring you a higher volume of customers.

-You will always get 2 shirts of any fight team design that we come up with. These shirts are limited edition and always sell out. As mentioned earlier, these shirts will have your logo on them.

-We will back link your website to our website which is mutually beneficial for us both. This increases both of our rankings in Google search engines.

-If you have a Google Plus page we will Plus 1 your posts which will increase your ranking in Google search engines (If you don’t have one, they are easy to set up yourself or we can help).
The Value of this package exceeds the cost. I have shot the types of video we have planned to do for you for $3000 alone. For the 30-60 second Clips, I usually charge $1200. You will see that our Logo package alone is $1000 to be on the walk out shirts. Add on top of that what it would cost to hire someone to do the social media blast that we will provide, you could be looking at anywhere from $500 per month up $3000.



Gold Package  – $2500

– One 1 minute Highlight Video Clip for your business. You will receive all the benefits from the first package in the way of video sharing on our end. The video will highlight the best things about your business, in a short attention catching fashion that is sure to drive people to you.

– Logo placement on 2 of our walkout shirts for upcoming events.

– You will be thanked for your support on our website, and all of Level Up’s Social Media platforms as well as individually by each fighter before and after fights that your logo appears on our shirts.

– You will receive two of the walkout shirts to keep, both times your logo appears on them.



Silver Package  – $1000

– Logo placement on 2 of our walkout shirts for upcoming events.

– You will be thanked for your support on our website, and all of Level Up’s Social Media platforms as well as individually by each fighter before and after fights that your logo appears on our shirts.

-You will receive two of the walkout shirts to keep, both times your logo appears on them.



Bronze Package  – $500

– Logo placement on 1 of our walkout shirts for an upcoming event.

– You will be thanked for your support on our website, and all of Level Up’s Social Media platforms as well as individually by each fighter before and after that fight, that your logo appears on our shirts.

-You will receive two of the walkout shirts to keep, for the fight your logo appears on.


If you are intrested or have questions about these packages please contact 


Jason Farrell

