2 Fighters 2 Victories at Thai Championship Boxing 8

TCB 8 Would see the return of Level Up’s Will Anderson, and the debut of Nick Rossman.

Will would be facing an experienced and slightly heavier MMA fighter from Capital MMA. Nick faced off with another debuting young fighter from Kaizen. TCB 8 took place at the Nzone in Chantilly VA. The production value of the show was very high. Great lighting and sound, plenty of seating for attendees, and an action packed card stacked with 20 Fights which included multiple Title bouts.


Up first for Level Up would be Will Anderson. Will is a hard working electrician, who commutes from Baltimore to DC everyday. Getting up at 3am to go to work, coming straight to Level Up after, and sometimes staying as late as 9pm training. Whether its for himself or to help a teammate. A while back Will asked Coach Jason Farrell for a way to make his kicks stronger, Coach Jason gave him a method he used | TOP SECRET | and since then Will has developed one of the most dangerous kicks on the Team.


Will’s opponent John Kermon is an experienced MMA fighter, who had a size advantage as well. both fighters fought smart game plans. Will took his time, found his range, and turned it up in the third landing some vicious low kicks, securing a Unanimous Decision. Have a look at the video!




Nick Rossman may be the toughest member on our team. He has the least amount of experience, but makes up for it with enormous heart, and an iron chin. Nick has had an odd string of luck with his young fight career. At the WKA National Tournament both of his opponents would be unable to fight before Nick made it to the ring. One was TKO’d in another division, the other was forced to leave before the finals due to time restraints. Shortly after that nick was to appear on a card, that ended up being canceled entirely. Undeterred, Nick continued to show up at the gym, ready for any opportunity that presented itself. He also has been one of Jared Tiptons main training partners leading up to the most recent Lion Fight event.


Nick would draw Tue Nguyen of Kaizen. Tue finished his camp independently with another fighter from the card Nathan Boisvert. This was a great test for Nick. Tue was very scrappy and threw some unorthodox strikes that forced Nick to switch his game plan some. Through round one through 3, Nick would chop his opponents lead leg every opportunity he had. By the third round the kicks would really begin to add up, causing the ref to halt the bout twice to give Tue a standing 8 count. Nick would be awarded a Split Decision Win, we had it as a Unanimous victory, but either way, he got the win.  We are extremely proud of Nick. One thing we stress here is if you get hit, or kicked, kick back! Nick took this philosophy into the ring and made it his. Check out the video here!



This show was very well run, and obviously the results were what we hoped for. Coach Jason thanks everyone that came out to support, and congratulates our former Teammates on their victories at TCB 8 as well. Thanks also to Coach Patrick Rivera who put in a lot of time helping Nick get ready as he himself prepared for his Lion Fight bout. Thanks also to Luther Smith for putting in extra time with Will to help him prepare. Everything we accomplish at Level Up is done as a Team, and couldn’t be done any other way.


Photo Credit Paul Loveking of Trick The Light