Team Level Up At The Marine Corp Marathon

We are proud to mention that on Sunday Level Up Owner/Athlete Adam Shampaine ran the Marine Corp Marathon in D.C.. Over 30,000 people showed up to run this grueling race. 26.2 Miles is the full length that Adam would run. The mission of the MCM is to promote physical fitness, generate community goodwill and showcase the organizational skills of the United States Marine Corps. The MCM was established in 1976 and is currently the third largest marathon in the United States and eighth largest in the world. This years race had a celebrity on hand to start things off, Maggie Q who has starred in some big movies over the last couple years, including Die Hard 4 and the TV Show Nikita. The Race was broadcast live on Comcast Sports Net.

Maggie Q

Maggie Q


Adam who is the Vice President of the Homefix Corporation based in Fairfax Virginia, a Partner at Level Up, a Father and Husband, somehow still finds time to keep up a vigorous workout routine. Adam put himself into an 18 week training camp for this race, running 65 miles weekly!! He said that the best part of the race was getting to show his appreciation for the Marines, and getting to shake the hands of the Lieutenants at the end of the long run. All of us at Team Level Up are inspired by his performance, he finished the run in 3:54:50. Adam plans to run another race soon but in the meantime returns to his full life of running a successful business and being an awesome Father and Husband.

Adam & Courtney

Adam & Courtney


Congrats From The Team



If you have ever wanted to run a Marathon but arent sure hwo to prepare contact us today! We can get you Race Ready!!

